Home Practice & Makers Maker presents 3D printing model for mechanical counter

Maker presents 3D printing model for mechanical counter

A YouTuber from the channel ‘It’s on my MIND’ has developed a mechanical counter that consists entirely of 3D-printed parts. The device can display numbers from 0 to 999 and does not require any additional metal components.

The three-digit counter is made entirely from PLA plastic. It does not use metal springs, screws or rubber bands. This approach poses a particular challenge, as all mechanical functions have to be realised using precisely printed plastic parts.

The centrepiece of the counter is a lever mechanism. Each time the lever is pulled, the single wheel rotates by 36 degrees, which corresponds to one tenth of a full rotation. An integrated ratchet wheel system ensures precise movement. A plastic spring incorporated into the handle returns the lever to its starting position after each operation.

The transfer mechanism between the number wheels is particularly clever. As soon as the single wheel reaches 9, two gear teeth engage with an intermediate wheel, which turns the tens wheel one position further. The transition from the tens to the hundreds digit works in the same way.

An ingenious zeroing mechanism enables the counter to be reset. By pressing and turning a shaft, all wheels can be set to zero at the same time. The developer provides detailed instructions for mounting and colouring the digits. Surprisingly, he recommends nail varnish for the colouring, which proves to be an inexpensive and effective solution.

This project impressively demonstrates the possibilities of 3D printing for complex mechanical systems. It shows how creative solutions and precise construction can be used to create functional devices without additional materials.

The YouTuber makes the 3D print files available on the Thingiverse platform for interested makers.

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